Ticket To Ride

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Escath, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    He went with wildcard using the IASIP picture.
  2. Escath LE Schaw

    Oh right. Yeah Weeman's up then.
  3. Chewie JA Chewie

    What replaced the wildcard he took?
  4. Escath LE Schaw

  5. Weeman27bob BE Force

    White and Purple.

    Just to check for the future, you are letting us take one face up and one face down, right?
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  6. Escath LE Schaw


    Yep, 1 face down 1 face up allowed as long as the face up isn't a wild card.
  7. BoshtrichBurger BB Burger

    Wildcard please.
  8. Escath LE Schaw

  9. Chewie JA Chewie

    yellow green
  10. Escath LE Schaw

  11. morgieb MC Burridge

  12. Escath LE Schaw

  13. Escath LE Schaw

    You guys know you have to claim tracks to win the game right?
  14. Tartmaster AJ James

    I was thinking either this is the most boring game in the world, or these are the most boring players in the world.

    Good to know its the latter.
  15. Please_Reframe PP Reframe

    Can I claim Portland to Salt Lake City?
  16. Weeman27bob BE Force

    If you have the right colours.
  17. Please_Reframe PP Reframe

    I think I have a blue...
  18. Weeman27bob BE Force

    I think you'll need more than one...
  19. Escath LE Schaw

    He just asked me which routes he can claim :facepalm:
  20. Please_Reframe PP Reframe

    If I can claim that route, I will.

    Tell me if I can't.

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