The National IQ Test

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Farhat, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Tartmaster AJ James

    Yeah my brother got like 160 or something in primary school.
  2. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Your attempts at humour are so often, awful.
  3. Farny AP Farnsworth

    You weren't really the target audience, if I'm honest...
  4. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Because your a master of wit

  5. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    That sort of shit kills at the faculty clubs.
  6. Frizzed WC Welker

    Damn, you're one smart cookie!
  7. Bedsey JB Dempsey

  8. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Victoria won because were the smartest in the land, deal with it, sour grapes.
  9. Mousey AJ Son

    Yeah, I did mine at 7. I was having behavioural problem too apparently. Got really bored at school so I got in alot of trouble. So they did an IQ and behaviour test at the same did. Got 135 and was found not to have ADD/ADHD haha. So Mum wanted to put me up a level but the school wouldn't let her, so they put me up two levels for english and maths and I had to do all the grade 3 art and PE things, so I was never in my actual class. The next year I did grade 3 again. Go figure. And the school wondered why I was such a menace...
  10. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

  11. KimmorleyKiller XX Meister

    So the average score on this thing was 116, the 'average' intelligence is supposed to be 100. Lol @ Nine and it's target demographic.
  12. BigGuns DA Astele

    My missus got 130 to my 112, shes still a dumb **** in my eyes though.
  13. Mousey AJ Son

    How'd you find this out?
  14. Toolman TR Man

    I did a shot for everytime I didn't choose b) for a question and still got 147, u mad?
  15. Marto RK Fittaman

    2 and a half hours of Eddie Maguire, it was horrible.
  16. MASTERS S Masters

    could of watched something else
  17. Marto RK Fittaman

    Wasn't much else on if I remember correctly.

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