Survivor Thread (Re-named) *US Spoilers*

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Gonzo, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. GYR DW Lewis

    I'm not sure. I think I read somewhere that they do the finale of the next season on the same night too but that might be wrong. We know last night was definitely live as they mentioned the shootings in conneticut. So if it is live then the winner spoiler is a lie but I don't see how the who got voted out spoilers would get out as the only people who know are the contestants and the production staff and I have no doubt try would be forced to sign a confidentiality thing. No spoilers have ever been released prior to the season.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
  2. Jimmy J Read

    spewing malcolm didn't make the final 3, i'm unsure if he would've won the million though, so keen for s26!
  3. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Malcom played a great game for 99% it's just they all knew he was a massive threat and would have most likely won had he gone to the final 3.
  4. Bovver M Kaye

    Malcolm would of won if he was vsing Lisa and Skupin. Denise was always winning otherwise.
  5. Jimmy J Read

    he probably played the best game but i don't know if he would've got the votes, because he had a hand in getting pretty much everyone out, but then again it's survivor so maybe they would've overlooked that? btw i thought penner's questioning of the final 3 was pretty boss.
  6. the_killerz S Bakkum

    Penner is deadset a fucking crack up, what an awesome speech he gave to the final 3.
    I was in tears of laughter at points of it. Wish Penner won it tbh :laugh:
  7. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    yeah penners little speech was great

    was worst final 3 ever imo though, denise was the only one of the three even remotley deserving of winning
  8. Jimmy J Read

    agreed, i mean lisa did next to nothing the entire game, and imo her only "big move" fucked up completely. skupin (or however you spell it) was a passenger the whole game. it would've been bs if anyone either of them beat denise.
  9. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    also read the rumored list of returning players for fans vs favourites 2

    some interesting choices if its real, could be either a really entertaining or really frustrating season
  10. GYR DW Lewis

    I think we all know by now that deserving to win aka playing the game the best gets you no where. Think about all the prissy girls that have won it purely because they were so likeable and just road the coat tails of someone else. Exact same thing happened with Denise she just followed Malcolm and she won. The jury in every season is always too bitter that they got voted out to actually vote based on who played the best game, who actually outwit etc. If they voted purely based on game play then Russell would be two time survivor champion.
  11. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    my point was that at least in russells seasons the best player was at least in the final three, this time the best player was voted out in 4th place

    im not having a go at the jury, or even at the eventual top three, it probably would have been stupid to keep in malcom, then again it proved to be stupid to keep denise
  12. Roaddogg AJ Izett

  13. Jimmy J Read

    cochran and brandon = :puke:

    but i pretty much already have an insta fav on the favourites because malcolm was my favourite from philippines.
  14. brettman135 BR Hall

    Go Malcolm and Erik.
  15. Bovver M Kaye

    Andrea, YUMMO!
  16. Wilson SB Wilson

    That's a piss poor list of favourites.
  17. Jimmy J Read

    been watching each season and so far i've watched 8 and a half seasons and so far through them boston rob has been my favourite "survivor" does anyone have any favourites or cunts they hated?
  18. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    russell easy a fav, fabio also (hes probably the only person ive wanted to win who has won) well first in a long time anyway
  19. Wilson SB Wilson

    Russell for sure.

    Anyone else a bit underwhelmed at the 'favourites' they picked for this season?
  20. Roaddogg AJ Izett

    very, though phillip and brandon could make an interesting duo

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