Star Wars Mafia III

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Athlai, May 6, 2014.

  1. Athlai JJD Heads

    Night 0

    The Galactic War's final battle had begun. The Rebel Alliance sought out the masters of the Empire to destroy to bring their evil reign to an end. Yet the first blow was struck by the Empire.

    The Executor, a Super Star Destroyer and the most powerful warship in existence had located her target. Its' target did not stand a chance. The command had been given and the officer readily followed his orders.

    With a prompt signal and a wry grin the first shots of the battle had been fired.

    The target was no match against the full power of the battleship, and the awesome power of the ship left no trace of the identity of their target.

    Escath, Identity Unknown
    , has been killed.

    The Bounty Hunter had been given their target, and they were not in the habit of missing a mark. Yet after searching far and wide they were unable to locate their allusive query.

    Day 1 has begun. Reports are being sent out now.
  2. Weeman27bob BE Force

    Definitely been worse first nights out there.
  3. morgieb MC Burridge

    Janitor kill. Well...
  4. Magrat Garlick M Garlick

    So, what is Escath about? Athlai meta-ing us?
  5. Eds E Ames

    That whole bounty hunter scenario is a bit odd....
  6. Chewie JA Chewie

  7. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    Poor Escath
  8. 99* JJ Ritchie

    Sounds like somebody was maybe hiding/protecting them.
  9. Howe JHF Howe

    Not really. I would expect the bounty hunter to have to kill specific characters, and they didn't visit the right person last night.

    Either that, or they can kill whoever but don't have a 100% chance to do it to keep them from being OP.
  10. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    That is interesting. It's annoying we didn't find out if Escath was bullshitting or not. Seems unlikely he would be if he was then targetted by the mafia
  11. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    I have a feeling that like in SWII they get given a contract or option of contracts and try and fulfill them.
  12. Chewie JA Chewie

    the mafia were probably just like well its night 0, no leads, might as well kill the person who has said they're someone important
  13. Eds E Ames

    Why would they have to kill specific characters if not for bounty? Has there even been time to set a bounty yet?
  14. Howe JHF Howe

    You would know.

    lynch Chewie

    He visited Escath.
  15. morgieb MC Burridge

    Oh, snap.
  16. Eds E Ames

    Yep, particularly when they've got this big fuck off unstoppable ship.

    Either that or there's some weird guiser shit going on. Seems unlikely.
  17. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    That's a decent lead to start off.

    As for the bounty hunter imo he targeted someone who was being protected
  18. Howe JHF Howe

    I meant for their win condition. We haven't got money in this afaik?
  19. morgieb MC Burridge

    Could be like SWI, where they just protected Jabba.
  20. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    In SWI werent they looking for Leia?

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