Season Six Draw

Discussion in 'Seasonal Rugby' started by HeathDavisSpeed, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Round 1	Hurricanes	Immortals	Typhoons	Trojans		NSW		QLD
    	Sharks		Crabs		Squids		Nippers		VIC		Asia
    	Gamblers	Vikings		Punters		Einherjar			
    					Typhoons	Cnuts			
    Round 2	Immortals	Sharks		Trojans		Squids		Asia		NSW
    	Vikings		Hurricanes	Einherjar	Typhoons	QLD		VIC
    	Crabs		Gamblers	Nippers		Punters			
    					Cnuts		Squids			
    Round 3	Hurricanes	Gamblers	Typhoons	Punters		QLD		Asia
    	Immortals	Crabs		Trojans		Nippers		VIC		NSW
    	Sharks		Vikings		Squids		Einherjar			
    					Punters		Cnuts			
    Round 4	Gamblers	Sharks		Punters		Squids		England		Australia
    	Vikings		Immortals	Einherjar	Trojans		NZ A		GB A
    	Crabs		Hurricanes	Nippers		Typhoons	NZ		Baabaas		
    					Cnuts		Einherjar			
    Round 5	Hurricanes	Sharks		Typhoons	Squids		Australia	NZ
    	Immortals	Gamblers	Trojans		Punters		GB A		NZ A
    	Vikings		Crabs		Einherjar	Nippers		Baabaas		England	
    					Trojans		Cnuts	
    					Cnuts		Nippers			
    Round 6	Immortals	Hurricanes	Trojans		Typhoons	NZ		England
    	Crabs		Sharks		Nippers		Squids		Australia	Baabaas	
    	Vikings		Gamblers	Einherjar	Punters			
    					Cnuts		Typhoons		
    Round 7	Sharks		Immortals	Squids		Trojans		QLD		NSW
    	Hurricanes	Vikings		Typhoons	Einherjar	VIC		Asia
    	Gamblers	Crabs		Punters		Nippers			
    					Squids		Cnuts				
    Round 8	Gamblers	Hurricanes	Punters		Typhoons	NSW		Asia
    	Crabs		Immortals	Nippers		Trojans		VIC		QLD
    	Vikings		Sharks		Einherjar	Squids			
    					Cnuts		Punters			
    Round 9	Sharks		Gamblers	Squids		Punters		Asia		QLD
    	Immortals	Vikings		Trojans		Einherjar	NSW		VIC
    	Hurricanes	Crabs		Typhoons	Nippers			
    					Einherjar	Cnuts			
    Round A	Sharks		Hurricanes	Squids		Typhoons	Australia	England
    	Gamblers	Immortals	Punters		Trojans		NZ A		GB A
    	Crabs		Vikings		Nippers		Einherjar	Baabaas		NZ		
    					Cnuts		Trojans		
    					Nippers		Cnuts										
    Round B									NZ		Australia
    									GB A		NZ A
    									England		Baabaas
    Round C									England		NZ
    									Baabaas		Australia
    SF	SRC #2		SRC #3		RRC #2		RRC #3			
    F	SRC #1		SRC SFW		RRC #1		RRC SFW		RC #1		RC #2
    									SPC #1		SPC #2
    NS1	North		South		(On Neutral Territory)				
    NS2	South		North		(On Neutral Territory)				
    NS3	North		South		(On Neutral Territory)				
    Tests	Possibly vs. Argentina 
    Comments welcomed.

    Not 100% sure yet that Cnuts games will run. Depends on whether any Cnuts return before the season kicks off. With the provincial stuff, I'm going to also have a look at how the Southwest Province stands at some point. I suspect they might be relatively close to have a really shoddy line up given that GAS has registered and StephenZA has registered previously.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
    Storer and Howe like this.
  2. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Reserve Rugby Championship Table: Round 1

    Name		P	W	D	L	P+	P-	PD	Bonus	Points
    Cnuts		1	1	0	0	31	0	31	1	5
    Trojans		1	1	0	0	27	5	22	1	5
    Squids		1	1	0	0	37	21	16	1	5
    Punters		1	1	0	0	21	18	3	0	4
    Einherjar	1	0	0	1	18	21	-3	1	1
    Nippers		1	0	0	1	21	37	-16	0	0
    Typhoons	2	0	0	2	5	58	-53	0	0

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