Real Lives Sim

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Lukic, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Age 13, dad gives up drugs.

    Age 14, face my first rejection.

    Got held back a year at school when I was 16.

    At 17 got rejected by another bitch, life off the rails. Take up drugs and drinking.

    I attempt a robbery at 19, get caught and sent to jail for 3 years.

    Become an alco at 21.

    Leave jail at 22 and graduate from school.

    Leave home at 23 and work as a street vendor. Also quit drinking.
  2. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Do you actually get to make decisions?
  3. 99* JJ Ritchie

    It's meant to be educational. Show kids the differences people live through just because of where they are born.
  4. Hunter AD Hunt

    Snuck into Australia from Ethiopia! :toot:
  5. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    At 24, I steal 5,630 euros worth of goods. Save a friend from dying, meet a new bish, rejected again. Dad then dies of a heart attack at 51.

    I begin dating Francesca Del Piero when I'm 26. I propose to her at 27, rejected but we stay together. Don't propose at 28 and she dumps me.

    Try dating again, no good. Become addicted to drugs at 33.

    Meet Sophia Brazzi at 34, engaged at 36 and married at 38.

    Victim of a robbery at 39 and my son, Umberto is born.
  6. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Yeah, you do.
  7. Mousey AJ Son

    Born in Japan, lived a pretty normal life, wasn't accepted to uni etc, joined the military, got married at 19 to my high school girlfriend, had 2 kids, died from a heart attack at age 53 :(

    My two brothers had horrible lives, they were continuously in car accidents or assaulted, had depression and were alcoholics and both their partners (one was gay lol) died from cancer.
  8. Mousey AJ Son

    Indian girl, parents didn't send me to school :(
  9. Lukic L Popovic

    Fucks sake. born to a wealth taiwanese family, engineer father and student mother. Net worth of 88 million taiwanese dollars and I don't get sent to school. Wtf is this shit.
  10. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Tried to give up smoking at 43. Unsuccessful.

    Got diabetes at 47.

    Mother died at 75 of lung disease.

    At 54 I leave my wife and begin dating another woman.

    Work as a garbage collector when I turn 55, propose to girlfriend, she leaves me.

    When I'm 60, my son dies of colon cancer at the tender age of 21.

    I live a quiet and sad life until I die at 66 of lung cancer. That's what 54 years of smoking does folks.
  11. Mousey AJ Son

    Had 14 attractiveness but somehow got married and had 8 kids :laugh:

    Died at 61 from pneumonia.
  12. morgieb MC Burridge

    FMD. My growth has already stunted and my dad died. I'm only 2, a girl from China.
  13. morgieb MC Burridge

    I'm at school now, cool.
  14. morgieb MC Burridge

    Now my mum's blind, haha.
  15. Teacups CJ Evans

    If anyone plays this on a mac then let me know where they got it from plz

    Need to bootcamp this piece of shit
  16. Hunter AD Hunt

    So ended up living until 87 in Wollongong.

    Since I got to Australia:
    I divorced my Ethiopian husband
    Remarried 3 times
    My daughter got married and had her own daughter.
    Daughter died at 52 (I was 77 at this point).
    Granddaughter graduated from highschool as an alcoholic and went to college. Ended up graduating with a degree in sociology.
    I had a bakery for about 10 years and then a pet grooming business for 15 years.
  17. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    All Ethiopians should look up to you.

    Currently I'm an afro-american who moved to Hobart with his deaf wife and we have one kid of our own and adopted 3. We are living the life.
  18. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Died at 56 of a heart attack.

  19. Mousey AJ Son

    Born in Jacksonville, kicked out of home at 13 beause my parents didn't like the girl I was dating, stole to live, caught, girl broke up with me.

    Got into college, got kicked out due to bad grades, got a diploma. Worked as a salesman, met some bitch, married her, she died at 67, me at 92.
  20. morgieb MC Burridge

    Dung Jun died aged 59 due to an asthma attack.

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