Official Chris Scott Out Thread

Discussion in 'Aussie Rules Football Discussion' started by Jager, Apr 26, 2015.

  1. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Bigfooty conspiracy theories.
  2. Mousey AJ Son

    Stop ignoring the question m8
  3. Skippos SM Morgan

    semantics, not semitism!

    Look, I'll say this. I can't say any more cause it'd be poor of me to. I'm one for gossip so for me to not say it publicly must mean there's a reason; trust me on it.

    In short, there was a split between the young players and the old players. The reason for the split is what I can't say. Old players took one side, Griffen was part of that and had one (stupid) belief and I think it just put so much stress on him he bolted. Minson and all the other old boys bar Murphy and Morris were also on that side of the split. Minson wasn't a massive cunt like Griffen and all that, he was kinda on the young players side but still for some reason bullied and bantered one of the kids despite it. Macca took the young fellas sides and it caused too much tension so the old fellas got him fucked off. And the young fellas/Macca were on the right side, too.
  4. Mousey AJ Son

  5. Skippos SM Morgan

    God could I make it any more clear that I wouldn't out it *publicly*

    PM me cunts
  6. PaulFromOz PF Oz

    Gay footballer
  7. Jager LO Townsend

    RIP GFC.
  8. brettman135 BR Hall

    The fuck is with Selwood.
  9. Jager LO Townsend

    Just scored goal of the year
  10. brettman135 BR Hall

    Still a player of his quality only having over 20 disposals once since round 6 is poor.
  11. Jager LO Townsend

    Yeah Chris Scott has probably demotivated him
  12. Jager LO Townsend

    Probably get traded IMO #ScottLogic
  13. Mousey AJ Son

    I'm Scott's biggest defender, and today was a massive low point for him. Part of a coaches job is to get players up and motivated and if you can't get them motivated on a day like today was what the fuck are you doing? Pathetic effort today. That's not even mentioning the job Roos did on him tactically.

    He's still our coach however.
  14. Jager LO Townsend

    Lowest regular season point in my life footy-wise
  15. Mousey AJ Son

    At 6-6 so that's a great footy life so far :p
  16. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Hagent seen any of the game but woweeee. How on earth did you guys lose that one
  17. Mousey AJ Son

    Melbourne wanted it more and outplayed us because of it
  18. MightyPies DA Alessi

    As simple as that hey?

    Did not expect this at all. Especially considering the occasion
  19. Mousey AJ Son

    Same, which was the most disappointing part of it all.
  20. Youngman JE Harding

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