My Ideal CricSim XI. Care cups to follow.

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Farny, Jul 29, 2009.

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  1. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Been thinking about who I'd have in my team, all things considered, if I could choose any XI from the forum. Pretty limited by who I've spoken to, but here it is. I didn't make this thread because I think people will care what my XI is, more to bring up discussion on who people would have.

    Anyway, mine would vaguely resemble this, although I'd rather have a few more Benny/Muesli type members and a few less Cribbage type members.

    1. Cribb
    2. Gonzalez
    3. Manera
    4. Perry
    5. Flack
    6. Dempsey
    7. Read
    10. Wilkinson
    11. Green
  2. Farny AP Farnsworth

    12th man/waterboy - Nova.
  3. Eds E Ames

    Is this who you would want at your club if you could choose anyone?

    Or just memberwise? Or just playerwise?
  4. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Both. Think of it as a best CricSim XI chosen from guys I think I'd get on with.
  5. Baxter MJ Deane

    It's Farny's "Team made up of 10 other members I wish liked me as much as I like them". :p
  6. Eds E Ames

    1. RG Cribb
    2. E Ames
    3. BG Herd
    4. DRP Taylor
    5. BS Read
    6. K Fung
    7. M Deane
    8. L Tyson
    9. GJ Weaver
    10. BJ Taylor
    11. JP Wilkinson

    Could easily swap a few players in and out of there though.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  7. Baxter MJ Deane

    Merci beaucoup.
  8. BoyBlunder BOY Blunder

    Deane batting 5 is doomed to fail :p. Too many allrounders in that team lol.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  9. Farny AP Farnsworth


    To be fair, there are a couple of guys on there like Flack that I haven't really talked to at all. I was just running out of people. On seconds thoughts, I think I valued CricSim performance a little too highly with that team. On second thoughts, Herd is a pretty good shout. Also, if Manero hadn't brought me to the forum, I doubt he'd be in there. Goodfellow would if he ever got on here. Then again, if I'm taking current activity into account, I can't really have Muesli or Gonzo....
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  10. Eds E Ames

    Most Hated:
    1. O Elochim
    2. O Elochim
    3. O Elochim
    4. O Elochim
    5. O Elochim
    6. A Pimpkins
    7. A Pimpkins
    8. A Pimpkins
    9. A Pimpkins
    10. A Pimpkins
    11. A Pimpkins
  11. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Who the **** is Elochim?
  12. McGrath JE McGrath

  13. Baxter MJ Deane

    1. RG Cribb
    2. JRE Luffman
    3. T Delonge
    4. BJ Gemmell
    5. SA Flack
    6. M Deane
    7. JP Dempsey
    8. C Laing
    9. AP Farnsworth
    10. SB Wilson
    11. JP Wilkinson

    There are better cricketers and people I like just as much that miss out.
    I just tried for a balance of people I know I get on with, think I would get on with and that are decent Cricsim cricketers. Might make an ALC team in a bit of all those that miss out :confused:
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  14. SamBFC S Wells

    1. Wells
    2. Wells
    3. Wells
    4. Wells
    5. Wells
    6. Wells
    7. Wells
    8. Wells
    9. Wells
    10. Wells
    11. Wells
  15. Flack SA Flack

    1. DG Speirs (6)
    2. RG Cribb (5)
    3. BG Herd
    4. BJ Gemmell
    5. SA Flack (7)
    6. SLO Graham
    7. RA Boy
    8. L Lover (2)
    9. S Smith (4)
    10. PF Oz (3)
    11. JP Wilkinson (1)

    12th man: M Deane

    Pretty Pumaish, but I like the Puma guys, that's why I'm happy to have them :p
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  16. Eds E Ames

    Guys who could also slot in my team:

    1. JE McGrath
    2. BJT Manera
    3. BJ Gemmell
    4. M Perry
    5. SA Flack
    6. SLO Graham
    7. BC Jacobs/C Golding
    8. AP Farnsworth
    9. GEC King
    10. JR Denton
    11. J McDougal

    \_/ at the amount of ARs.
  17. Sik_Slogga SLO Graham


    That would probs be my X1 who I generally get on with but there are some peeps who are missing.
  18. Farny AP Farnsworth

    Just realised how gay this thread is. Nevermind.
  19. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    I'm not playing if I don't bowl Flack you cocksucker.
  20. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    Oh rage.
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