Movie Draft

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Shagger, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Shagger PW Adams

    Mariner selects The Blues Brothers (1980).

    on the clock

    [FONT=arial][U]Round 1: [COLOR=#000000]The Cream of the Crop - Your Favourite Movie[/COLOR]
    BigDougy - The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
    Fiery - The Wrestler (2008)
    MightyPies - Avatar (2009)
    Mariner - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
    BMT - The Godfather: Part II (1974)
    ModCat Tom - A Bridge Too Far (1977)
    stupersteve03 - Back to the Future (1985)
    Tartmaster - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
    Alex - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
    Weeman27bob - The Breakfast Club (1985)
    Julian - Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) (2006)
    Starris - The Usual Suspects (1995)
    HeathDavisSpeed - Aliens (1986)
    BigGuns - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
    MrPrez - Dead Poets Society (1989)
    MASTERS - Die Hard (1988)
    Farhat - The Green Mile (1999)
    [U]Round 2: [COLOR=#000000]Life In Colour - Movies with a Colour in the Title[/COLOR][/U]
    Fiery - [COLOR=#ff0000][B]Red [/B][/COLOR]Rock West (1993)
    MightyPies - [COLOR=#000000][B]Black [/B][/COLOR]Hawk Down (2001)
    Mariner - The [COLOR=#0000ff][B]Blues [/B][/COLOR]Brothers (1980)
    BMT - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron [COLOR=#800000][B]Burgundy [/B][/COLOR](2004)
    ModCat Tom - The Thin [COLOR=#ff0000][B]Red [/B][/COLOR]Line (1998)
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    [U]Round 3: [COLOR=#000000]I Double Dare You - Movies Starring Any of the Pulp Fiction Cast that aren’t Pulp Fiction[/COLOR][/U]
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    [U]Round 4: [COLOR=#000000]CGI Dreams - Animated Movies[/COLOR][/U]
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    [U]Round 5: [COLOR=#000000]When One Isn’t Enough - Sequels only[/COLOR][/U]
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    [U]Round 6: [COLOR=#000000]We Come In Peace - Movies featuring Extra Terrestrials[/COLOR][/U]
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    [U]Round 7: [COLOR=#000000]You’re Gonna Die Clown - Movies with an Appearance from Adam Sandler[/COLOR][/U]
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    [U]Round 8: [/U][COLOR=#000000][U]Who’s Gonna Save Us? - Superhero Movie[/U]s[/COLOR]
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    [U]Round 9: [COLOR=#000000]Hall of Famers - Movies with a Sporting Theme (Not Including Sporting Documentaries)[/COLOR][/U]
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    [U]Round 10: [COLOR=#000000]Keeping it Real - Movies Based on a True Story[/COLOR][/U]
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    [U]Round 11: [COLOR=#000000]Be Very Afraid - Movies with a Predominant Horror Theme[/COLOR][/U]
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    [U]Round 12: [COLOR=#000000]Think of the Children - Movies with a Child as the Main Character[/COLOR][/U]
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    [U]Round 13: [COLOR=#000000]The Highest Honour - Movies Nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards[/COLOR][/U]
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    [U]Round 14: [COLOR=#000000]Fur, Feathers, Claws - Movies with an Animal as a Central Character[/COLOR][/U]
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    [U]Round 15: [COLOR=#000000]Forever and Ever - Movies with a Predominant Romance Theme[/COLOR][/U]
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    [U]Round 16: [COLOR=#000000]Bottom of the Barrel - Movies with a Rating Lower than 6 on IMDB[/COLOR][/U]
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    [U]Round 17: [COLOR=#000000]Last Chance - Free Selection[/COLOR][/U]
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  2. BMT BMT Con

  3. MightyPies DA Alessi

  4. Shagger PW Adams

    Tried this last night but couldn't find the option to do it. Anyone know if this is possible?
  5. BMT BMT Con

    Both my picks gone, thanks MP and Mariner. I choose Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
  6. Alex AJ O'Driscoll

    Admin has to do it.
  7. Shagger PW Adams

    Great Pick; expected that one to slip through the cracks
  8. Athlai JJD Heads

    :laugh: WAC
  9. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    Yeah. Admin has to do it. If the draft gets stuck, I'll change it but we're going great guns at the moment. Don't think it's necessary yet.
  10. HeathDavisSpeed HT Davis

    I was going to suggest you rate the selections.

    Still waiting for Darabont to take on The Long Walk. I don't think it'll ever happen personally.
  11. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Haha, I was thinking to go with Blues Brothers but ended up with Black Hawk Down - loved that movie.
  12. BMT BMT Con

    Blame the two above me :laugh:
  13. Athlai JJD Heads

    I suspect I'd have to watch a dozen or two films by the end of this to accurately rate the selections. Particularly when the categories get obscure.
  14. Shagger PW Adams

    ModCat's up!

    [FONT=arial][U]Round 1: [COLOR=#000000]The Cream of the Crop - Your Favourite Movie[/COLOR]
    BigDougy - The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
    Fiery - The Wrestler (2008)
    MightyPies - Avatar (2009)
    Mariner - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
    BMT - The Godfather: Part II (1974)
    ModCat Tom - A Bridge Too Far (1977)
    stupersteve03 - Back to the Future (1985)
    Tartmaster - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
    Alex - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
    Weeman27bob - The Breakfast Club (1985)
    Julian - Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) (2006)
    Starris - The Usual Suspects (1995)
    HeathDavisSpeed - Aliens (1986)
    BigGuns - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
    MrPrez - Dead Poets Society (1989)
    MASTERS - Die Hard (1988)
    Farhat - The Green Mile (1999)
    [U]Round 2: [COLOR=#000000]Life In Colour - Movies with a Colour in the Title[/COLOR][/U]
    Fiery - [B]Red [/B]Rock West (1993)
    MightyPies - [B]Black [/B]Hawk Down (2001)
    Mariner - The [B]Blues [/B]Brothers (1980)
    BMT - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron [B]Burgundy [/B](2004)
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    [U]Round 3: [COLOR=#000000]I Double Dare You - Movies Starring Any of the Pulp Fiction Cast that aren’t Pulp Fiction[/COLOR][/U]
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    [U]Round 4: [COLOR=#000000]CGI Dreams - Animated Movies[/COLOR][/U]
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    [U]Round 5: [COLOR=#000000]When One Isn’t Enough - Sequels only[/COLOR][/U]
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    [U]Round 6: [COLOR=#000000]We Come In Peace - Movies featuring Extra Terrestrials[/COLOR][/U]
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    [U]Round 7: [COLOR=#000000]You’re Gonna Die Clown - Movies with an Appearance from Adam Sandler[/COLOR][/U]
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    [U]Round 8: [/U][COLOR=#000000][U]Who’s Gonna Save Us? - Superhero Movie[/U]s[/COLOR]
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    [U]Round 9: [COLOR=#000000]Hall of Famers - Movies with a Sporting Theme (Not Including Sporting Documentaries)[/COLOR][/U]
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    [U]Round 10: [COLOR=#000000]Keeping it Real - Movies Based on a True Story[/COLOR][/U]
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    [U]Round 11: [COLOR=#000000]Be Very Afraid - Movies with a Predominant Horror Theme[/COLOR][/U]
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    [U]Round 12: [COLOR=#000000]Think of the Children - Movies with a Child as the Main Character[/COLOR][/U]
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    [U]Round 13: [COLOR=#000000]The Highest Honour - Movies Nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards[/COLOR][/U]
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    [U]Round 14: [COLOR=#000000]Fur, Feathers, Claws - Movies with an Animal as a Central Character[/COLOR][/U]
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    [U]Round 15: [COLOR=#000000]Forever and Ever - Movies with a Predominant Romance Theme[/COLOR][/U]
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    [U]Round 16: [COLOR=#000000]Bottom of the Barrel - Movies with a Rating Lower than 6 on IMDB[/COLOR][/U]
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    [U]Round 17: [COLOR=#000000]Last Chance - Free Selection[/COLOR][/U]
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
  15. MightyPies DA Alessi

    For the next round - movies starring someone from the cast of Pulp Fiction. Can their role be minimal or?
  16. Shagger PW Adams

    Yep! Same as the Adam Sandler category - an appearance is sufficient :)
  17. MightyPies DA Alessi

    Beautiful, just thought i'd clarify before i made my choice when it comes time. Cheers Shags
  18. ModCat Tom CJ Ardley

    The Thin Red Line
  19. Athlai JJD Heads

    Should trial the new forum tags, when you make your pick tag the next person who is up.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
  20. Shagger PW Adams

    [MENTION=784]stupersteve03[/MENTION] selects A Clockwork Orange (1971)
    [MENTION=45]Tartmaster[/MENTION] on the clock :)

    [FONT=arial][U]Round 1: [COLOR=#000000]The Cream of the Crop - Your Favourite Movie[/COLOR]
    BigDougy - The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
    Fiery - The Wrestler (2008)
    MightyPies - Avatar (2009)
    Mariner - Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
    BMT - The Godfather: Part II (1974)
    ModCat Tom - A Bridge Too Far (1977)
    stupersteve03 - Back to the Future (1985)
    Tartmaster - Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
    Alex - The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
    Weeman27bob - The Breakfast Club (1985)
    Julian - Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) (2006)
    Starris - The Usual Suspects (1995)
    HeathDavisSpeed - Aliens (1986)
    BigGuns - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
    MrPrez - Dead Poets Society (1989)
    MASTERS - Die Hard (1988)
    Farhat - The Green Mile (1999)
    [U]Round 2: [COLOR=#000000]Life In Colour - Movies with a Colour in the Title[/COLOR][/U]
    Fiery - [COLOR=#ff0000][B]Red [/B][/COLOR]Rock West (1993)
    MightyPies - [COLOR=#000000][B]Black [/B][/COLOR]Hawk Down (2001)
    Mariner - The [COLOR=#0000ff][B]Blues [/B][/COLOR]Brothers (1980)
    BMT - Anchorman: The Legend of Ron [COLOR=#800000][B]Burgundy [/B][/COLOR](2004)
    ModCat Tom - The Thin [COLOR=#ff0000][B]Red [/B][/COLOR]Line (1998)
    stupersteve03 - A Clockwork [COLOR=#ff8c00]Orange [/COLOR](1971) 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    [U]Round 3: [COLOR=#000000]I Double Dare You - Movies Starring Any of the Pulp Fiction Cast that aren’t Pulp Fiction[/COLOR][/U]
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    [U]Round 4: [COLOR=#000000]CGI Dreams - Animated Movies[/COLOR][/U]
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    [U]Round 5: [COLOR=#000000]When One Isn’t Enough - Sequels only[/COLOR][/U]
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    [U]Round 6: [COLOR=#000000]We Come In Peace - Movies featuring Extra Terrestrials[/COLOR][/U]
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    [U]Round 7: [COLOR=#000000]You’re Gonna Die Clown - Movies with an Appearance from Adam Sandler[/COLOR][/U]
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    [U]Round 8: [/U][COLOR=#000000][U]Who’s Gonna Save Us? - Superhero Movie[/U]s[/COLOR]
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    [U]Round 9: [COLOR=#000000]Hall of Famers - Movies with a Sporting Theme (Not Including Sporting Documentaries)[/COLOR][/U]
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    [U]Round 10: [COLOR=#000000]Keeping it Real - Movies Based on a True Story[/COLOR][/U]
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    [U]Round 11: [COLOR=#000000]Be Very Afraid - Movies with a Predominant Horror Theme[/COLOR][/U]
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    [U]Round 12: [COLOR=#000000]Think of the Children - Movies with a Child as the Main Character[/COLOR][/U]
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    [U]Round 13: [COLOR=#000000]The Highest Honour - Movies Nominated for Best Picture at the Academy Awards[/COLOR][/U]
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    [U]Round 14: [COLOR=#000000]Fur, Feathers, Claws - Movies with an Animal as a Central Character[/COLOR][/U]
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    [U]Round 15: [COLOR=#000000]Forever and Ever - Movies with a Predominant Romance Theme[/COLOR][/U]
    MrPrez -
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    [U]Round 16: [COLOR=#000000]Bottom of the Barrel - Movies with a Rating Lower than 6 on IMDB[/COLOR][/U]
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -
    [U]Round 17: [COLOR=#000000]Last Chance - Free Selection[/COLOR][/U]
    Farhat -
    BigDougy -
    Fiery -
    MightyPies - 
    Mariner -
    BMT -
    ModCat Tom -
    stupersteve03 - 
    Tartmaster -
    Alex -
    Weeman27bob -
    Julian -
    Starris -
    HeathDavisSpeed -
    BigGuns -
    MrPrez -

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