Mafia - Game of Thrones (Game Thread!)

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by 99*, May 27, 2012.

  1. Mariner CL Warrington

    At least one is, and that was Raide.
  2. Eds E Ames

    But why would I have to be the same alignment as Raide?

    From what you've all been saying Tywin and Jaime turned out different times.
  3. Howe JHF Howe

    The big bold red nature ofTywin Lannister.

    You're telling me that Ritchie, a man so obsessed with this story that he can cite The Rains of Castamere at the drop of a hat, has the Lannisters fighting on different sides? Nope, not buying it.
  4. Howe JHF Howe

    Who said that? Because I certainly haven't. All I said was that I didn't know exactly when the pair of you turned. The failed Raide lynching being the most likely.
  5. Eds E Ames

    You're assuming something based on events that haven't actually occured. You're assuming Ritchie wouldn't have us fighting apart, because you're assuming the events that happened in the books have happened here.

    Well, they haven't. I haven't killed the king, and haven't turned as a result. Simple.
  6. Howe JHF Howe

    As assumptions go, it's up there with assuming Han and Chewie are on the same side in the star wars game. You haven't a leg to stand on here.
  7. Eds E Ames

    This is awfully frustrating.

    I was a turncoat at the beginning of the game. The conditions of turning were killing the King, as happened in the book. Now, I can't personally confirm it as I don't have the GoT books knowledge of some, but I am sure Jaime Lannister cannot use fire, correct? (See: This, therefore, proves I did not kill the King.

    Then there is the fact I pushed Raide for a lynching, hard, on multiple occasions. I even got suss-ed because of it, at several points, but plenty of signs point towards him being mafia.

    Then there's the fact that if Tywin and Jaime are so close, likely to fight on the same side, etc. then would we not be able to communicate with each other? Would I not know that Raide was Tywin to ensure he was not lynched?

    Jaime Lannister became a traitor when he killed the king. He didn't just randomly change sides, as you're suggesting. The king has died, but not by my hand. You're suggesting I have to be mafia because Raide was. When, in reality, quite the opposite is the truth.
  8. Mariner CL Warrington

    How could you kill the king then? Lynching?
  9. Eds E Ames

    Each night I was able to guess a member I believed to be King. If I guessed the same member twice in consecutive nights, I would learn more about this character (hence, being able to reveal Howe as a townie after Night 2). I then thought about it, and thought that Ritchie would make the mafia one-man short in order to comply with a potential turncoat. As a result (and because I have been mafia/third-party in every game I've played), I decided to town-side, and have done ever since. This meant that I chose Howe every night until the King died (as I knew he was not the King), meaning I learnt no more information. You could argue it was worth the risk, but I've had plenty of time as mafia thus far. Once the King died, I obviously lost that ability.
  10. Mariner CL Warrington

    Seems pretty convincing, but where is Prez? He is a possible maf to me.
  11. MrPrez CM Dyer

    I didn't attack Raide though - in fact I went against the grain/bandwagon and said I thought he was inno. I changed my tune once he proved he had a lynch-avoidance power as that is generally mafia. If I was mafia with him, do you really think I would have brought that up?
    You really seem to be getting us away from voting for Eds...
    You aren't clear - chances are high that a godfather-type role is still in the game.

    Your sudden attack of me as soon as I poked some suspicion onto you is really scummy.
  12. Fungus K Fung

    Slightly suspicious that mightymariner have tried to move the FOS away from himself to Eds and now to Prez.
  13. Howe JHF Howe

    Eds' explanation isn't convincing. It's just an elaboration on what he could do when he was town. Of course he'llleave out the bit where he turned.
  14. Eds E Ames

    Or, shock horror, maybe I didn't actually ever turn?!
  15. Eds E Ames

    Would I really push so hard for Raide to be lynched if it would lead to my own lynching? Really?
  16. Howe JHF Howe

    Of course you wouldn'. Which is probably why you conspicuously stopped pushing.
  17. Eds E Ames

    I hardly suggested we don't lynch him at any point. He's remained the number 1 candidate on my lynch list throughout. I stopped pushing so hard because I was getting suss'd by people like Prez, Blunder etc. for it. At that point, I wasn't 100% Raide was mafia, so had to cover my back.
  18. Howe JHF Howe

    Well that's bull. People were sussing you right the way through for it, and one day you decided it was just too much to bear?
  19. Eds E Ames

    Pretty much. I'd done my job by ensuring everyone knew I was suspicious of Raide. Continually pushing it to the point where everyone gets suspicious of me is, and was, highly unneccesary.
  20. Howe JHF Howe

    My point was that people were already suss of you for it anyway. I know because i was one.

    This argument is a digression, though. I've given what i think so im off to bed, and see what's been said in the morning.

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