Joel Monaghans doggy pic

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Dave, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. Jeffy JU Rocker

    I wonder if he came.
  2. Tartmaster AJ James

    Seriously if he gets sacked/deregistered, it's such a ****ing joke.

    Gang rape some chick, slap on the wrist,
    Sex with a minor, slap on the wrist,
    Shit in a hotel hallway, slap on the wrist,
    but have a dog lick your junk, BANNED FOR LIFE!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  3. Farhat AM Farhat

    A dock?
  4. Tartmaster AJ James

    I don't know what you're talking about. :ninja:
  5. Benny BS Read

    Joel monaghans favorite food ----- hot dogs
  6. Ged GEC King

    Who had sex with the minor?
    And beastiality is way worse than shitting in a hall.

    The difference here is that it has been undeniably proven.
  7. Tartmaster AJ James

    Can't remember, thought someone did, probably the bulldogs.

    Shitting in a hall is worse than having a dog lick your dick.
    And if it was in ACT its not even illegal, so dumb.
  8. Flash JP Thornton

    He probs won't even pull a chick now from this.
  9. Ged GEC King

    I'm not going to get into this with you but forcing an animal into a sex act with you is so much worse than shitting in a hallway. It's not even comparable imo.
  10. Tartmaster AJ James

    "I have tp admit, my last bitch was alot more keen"
  11. Cribbage RG Cribb

    With Tart on this. I know it's ****ing gross, but it's not like he was really forcing the dog or hurting it. It was just licking away. Dog didn't see it as sexual either.
  12. Wilson SB Wilson


    Fact is he allowed for a picture to be taken. Thats just a step to far.
  13. Tartmaster AJ James

    Yeah, cause when you're smashed with a tongue on your knob you care is someones taking a photo.
  14. Wilson SB Wilson

    When you're a high paid footballer, yes - you do.
  15. Tartmaster AJ James

    Seriosuly it's nowhere near as bad as half the shit these ****s do.
    If the worst NRL scandal we ever had was this, it'd be a massive ****ing improvement.
  16. Wilson SB Wilson

    Yeah it is. **** me dead it amazes me that you don't realise it. Shitting in a hallway is worse then face ****ing a dog? Get ****ed.

    Worse scandal we've ever had was Melbourne cheating. This is still wrong on many levels. I hope he isn't de-registered though.
  17. Tartmaster AJ James

    He didn't face **** it, it licked peanut butter off his cock ffs, thats a massive ****ing improvement over rape, or shitting in a public place ffs.
  18. Wilson SB Wilson

    Who the **** raped someone? And how the faaaaarrrrk is shitting in a public place worse? Seriously?
  19. Tartmaster AJ James

    Theres been quite a few rape charges tbh.
    IMO, public defocation is a hell of a lot worse than a dog eating peanut buttrer off a cock.
  20. Ged GEC King

    None of the rape charges had a video proving that the rape took place. It is undoubted that this did occur. On top of that, all those players have been cleared. As for the shitting, beastiality is just wrong on so many more levels it's not funny.

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