That would delay the sim even more cos I think Cribb hasn't updated the database to take covid into account
Manually adding players to the "hey actually not retired even though they haven't played for over a year" list would be easy enough, but there are other roadblocks. The main problem with updates is that cricinfo updated their scorecards to start showing full names instead of initials. That's still fine for most things because of links, but the real issue with it is determining who exactly got who out, which affects things like batting/bowling strengths/weaknesses as displayed in the assistant coaches' reports. It can be fixed, but whenever Cricinfo does a thing it means new scorecards will break things. At the moment I'm focusing on getting the simulator itself working to a level I'm happy with. We have heaps of data from the new db that it's not using properly, which kind of defeats the purpose. As it stands it's basically a buggy ITC -- I want it to be a much less buggy ITC, plus the new features. A particular annoyance has been the fact that I've been spending ~50% of my time at my grandmother's house in Sydney for several months now, and I don't have enough RAM in my Surface Pro to actually execute the database program. That means I can't really work on much when I'm there, as the separate applications still talk to each other. What I'm hoping is that by the next time I'm there (Friday), I won't have to run it anymore because its outputs will be final, and I can just work on the simulator itself (which doesn't actually need 32GB of RAM) when I'm there.
This is a great post. I think on Aug 9 this year I was learning about Australian Constitutional Law to challenge legislation. Which is a better excuse than most August 9s really. Probably still wouldn't have simmed though. Keep harassing.