GTA IV Online Trophy Hunting Help (PS3)

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by RyanG, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. RyanG R Gee

    Need people with GTA IV and a PS3 (a mic would also be preferrable but not necessary if you know what you're doing) to help getting the online trophies for GTA IV. More specifically Fly The Co-Op and Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic. It really is near impossible to do it with random people.

    Fly The Co-Op Trophy:
    You have to beat each of the 3 online co-op missions under a certain time limit. The time limits are as follows:

    Hangman's Noose: 2:32
    Deal Breaker: 7:05
    Bomb Da Base II: 5:34

    I have done Hangman's NOOSE in 2:25 before but am willing to help if someone else wants to beat the time for it.

    The other 2 are not as hard as they seem if you know what you are doing and are doing the mission with people you know. Here are some guides for Bomb Da Base II and Deal Breaker:

    <IFRAME height=349 src="" frameBorder=0 width=425 allowfullscreen></IFRAME>

    What he means by "You can't do it with friends" Is that you can't create a private game and do it. This is easily countered if you keep joining a new game until you are the host, then invite your friends and kick anyone else who tries to join.

    BOMD DA BASE II: Second Bomb Glitch
    <iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    <iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic Trophy:
    Win EVERY multiplayer game mode and their variations. This means you have to win on every single race track with every single vehicle variation. You also have to win Cops 'n Crooks as both a Cop and a Crook.

    This one is simple yet time consuming. It's mainly the races I need help with here. Just have 2 people in the race and alternate letting each other win to get the trophy.
  2. RyanG R Gee

    So yeah. If anyone's keen, post here saying so and we'll sort something out. PSN ID is Ripply90
  3. Farhat AM Farhat

    Ive got the game but have played it like once.
  4. RyanG R Gee

    Thank you Farhat. You've been immensely helpful.
  5. Frizzed WC Welker

    I've got the game.
  6. Farhat AM Farhat

    You're welcome.

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