CricSim Herald - Positions available!

Discussion in 'CricSim Cricket' started by Prince Charles, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Prince Charles P Charles

    Season 9 will see the return of the CricSim Herald with an aim to provide you with regular editions containing match reviews & previews, feature articles, player awards, gossip along with breaking CricSim news and announcements. The best CricSim Herald editions ever seen!

    But it doesn't happen without a handful of dedicated staff and as part of the re-shaping of the Herald we are looking to recruit one or two new writers who can offer us regular input and quality writing. But it isn't a one way street any longer as, for the first time, we can offer our writers something in return. A special post count boost, designed to compensate for time lost posting on the forums as well as the effort put in.

    If being part of our team interests you then please send me a PM and I can fill you in with more details.

    We are serious about making this work and would really like to hear from those of you who are keen to offer something every week. I look forward to hearing from anyone who is keen.
  2. Gazza GJ Weaver

    Marcuss will be chomping at the bit.
  3. Mousey AJ Son

    I'm keen, but I may not have the time due to VCE.
  4. Fungus K Fung

    This is definitely an exciting era for CricSim Herald. We really need dedicated members.
  5. Flack SA Flack

    How much does it pay?
  6. Fungus K Fung

    An x amount of posts. Talk to Prince Charles for more information on the package. :p
  7. Prince Charles P Charles

    It will depend on what people contribute. Compiling scores may achieve less than writing a feature article. There is still much to be decided in terms of exactly how much.

    That said, if people are only interested in what we can pay then they probably aren't the right people for us. The payments are designed as an extra reward and compensation for lost posting time.
  8. Flack SA Flack

    I was actually joking, i didn't think any form of pay was involved.
  9. Fungus K Fung

    Then we don't need you. I mean, who wants a member of the team who can't read. :p

    There's also other enticing offers. :whistling:
  10. Prince Charles P Charles

    Sorry mate - by pay I assumed you were talking about the post count boosts I mentioned. Glad we had a chance to chat though.
  11. Mousey AJ Son

    Does the Herald have a sub-forum?
  12. Prince Charles P Charles

  13. Flack SA Flack

    I'd actually like to do it, but I'm not a strong writer, so I wouldn't come up with much quality.
  14. Lukic L Popovic

    I would.
  15. Fungus K Fung

    Your RL Sim mini articles beg to differ. :p
  16. Eds E Ames

    I'm keen to do one every weekend, which is every 2 rounds. But I can't do much more.
  17. Fungus K Fung

    We are gonna publish an edition each weekend...not sure the timing is right for you.
  18. Eds E Ames

    If you publish it every Saturday night, I can generally get it done before then...
  19. Fungus K Fung

    Send a PM to Charles.
  20. Eds E Ames

    Have done already.

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