Brisbane Bogans

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Maroon_Faithful, Jul 14, 2011.

  1. Sultan Pepper HG Emm

    So, how 'bout this new Brisbane side?
  2. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    That's boring. Your boring everyone. Quit boring everyone.
  3. Lukic L Popovic

    Why would I?

    The Ustasa at their peak would've had at least 200,000 members, if not more. The Cetniks, much, much less.

    The Ustasa were formed with the sole goal of eliminating all Serbs on "Croat" land as well as moving non cooperating muslims. The Cetniks were formed to support the monarchy and initially oppose Nazi rule.

    The Ustasa were forming before the war and had already planned what they were going to do well in advance. The Cetniks formed much more spontaneously.

    The Ustasa had no soldiers fight until Cetnik/Partisan resistance. The Cetniks were resisting Nazi forces.

    The Ustasa had self-determination and formed they're own government. They were largely in control of their land and whatever happened on it. The Cetniks held land, but were by no means an "official" government.

    The Ustasa were located much closer to densely Serb populated areas than the Cetniks were to Croat/Muslim areas. Serbs live in both Bosnia and Croatia, but few muslims/croats live in serbia proper.

    It's extremely likely that the Ustasa's murder/death counts w/e you want to call it are as high as stated, if not higher. Their full time operation and sole operation until the end of war was to clear Serb areas. Not only that, but these Serb areas were often the list militarized as they only killed Serbs from Bosnia/Croatia, rather than Serbia proper where the majority of trained Serb soldiers would've been due to the Invasions.
  4. Incey BC Jacobs

  5. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Because there's a huge incongruity amongst historians.

    Yeah. I think you're only out by about a factor of 10 so that's not bad for a mendacious cunt like yourself.:tongue_002:

    Even if I granted all of this as true, it goes no way to proving the accuracy of the numbers. Most of it is completely irrelevant. For the 100th time, what on earth does defending their part of the Balkans from Nazi occupation have to do with the crimes they're said to have committed?
  6. Lukic L Popovic

    The others were nazi collaborationists and were out to kill them first. Strike first, sweep the leg.
  7. Lukic L Popovic

    They easily had 200,000. Just look at the mass migrations of croats following WW2. Over 600,000 had left to go to South America as well as Canada, the US and here.
  8. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Yeah. Mass migration is the best way to surmise the number of Ustase. lol, FMD.
  9. Lukic L Popovic

    Do you actually think they thought, lol, let's just randomly migrate to South America who's living standards are well below ours and into completely foreign cultures for absolutely no reason at all, all whilst abandoning the land which we and our ancstors lived on for centuries.

    Or is this one of your classic "you thinking their mind for them" moments.
  10. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Listen, you petulant little child, I'm not the one surmising some random figure based on 600,000 Croats moving away from the Balkans because of Nazi collaboration or affiliation with the Ustase. I'm not even attempting to speak for that number of people, unlike yourself, so you can shove the "mind-reader" jibe up your arse.
  11. Lukic L Popovic

    They left with Italian and German fascists to avoid possible persecution for war crimes under Tito's communist regime. What not to get ffs. That's also not taking account those who actually stayed, or move to other regions of Europe.
  12. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    You're actually sitting there saying we can surmise the number of Ustase by how many people left Croatia after WW2?

    That's like saying we can surmise how many Jews were killed during WW2 based on how many European Jews moved to America. There is no correlation between the two.
  13. Ged GEC King

    Who gives a fuck, cunts?
  14. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Look, I am more than willing to concede that the Ustase were worse killers than the Chetniks. Mainly due to the fact that, as you say, there were more of them (not anywhere near 200,000 IMO but nonetheless). However, saying or implying the Chetnik's were freedom fighters or merely defenders of a nation, is absurd. They committed heinous atrocities and that is not disputed by any credible historian.

    You and I can barely imagine what it would be like to live under a fascistic, totalitarian and racist state like the one the Chetnik's were in favour of for Serbia.
  15. Lukic L Popovic

    Yes we can. They left to avoid fucking persecution. Why fucking else would 600,000 people (so let's assume at least 150,000) families leave to fucking move to Chile & Peru. Why are there so few indicted Ustasa war criminals compared to German, Austrian etc etc, because the majority left Europe.

    Give me one reason why else they'd leave to fucking South America of all places.

    fmd MF, you're an intelligent dude but sometimes..
  16. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    Dude, why 150,000 of 600,000? Why not 500,000 or 50,000 or 10,000?

    Where are you getting this number from?
  17. Lukic L Popovic

    Sorry, accidentally put families outside of the brack.

    600,000 people, family of 4 = 150,000 families.
  18. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    I think we ought to leave it there. We're obviously at an impasse.
    (Mainly because I'm a good person. And you're obviously a bad person.)
  19. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

  20. Mousey AJ Son

    +1 :ninja:

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