Anzac Test Match selection

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Ged, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Colesy BL Hornby

    Abortions are only legal before 12 weeks, some women dont even find out they are pregnant before 12 weeks.

    We found out after 8.5 weeks.
  2. Old Mate M Perry

  3. Tartmaster AJ James

    Family friend found out like a month before she was due,
    Chick that mum works with found out a week before she was due.
  4. SM MD Dorn

    what the ****?

    How do you not realise you have a beer gut?
  5. League Lover L Lover

    I guess what pregenacy effects women in different ways..
  6. Tartmaster AJ James

    First one kept getting diagnosed with IBS. :lol:
    Dunno about the other, she freaked out but.
  7. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    ta to Maroon Faithful for keeping my brain ticking over btw. This is much more interesting the The Role of Occupational Therapy in Disaster Management and Recovery. And I don't expect to find a whole lot of Intelligent discussion around cricsim on anything other then sport.
  8. Verigoat S Verigotta

    You shouldnt expect that much tbh
  9. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    I could always regurgitate some pathology for you steve... :wub:
  10. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    Isn't that what I said...

    And smelly may regurgitate anything he wants IMO (poor sexual innuendo)
  11. Maroon_Faithful M Faithful

    So you want abortions to be legal, yes?

    You haven't demonstrated that it is a human being.

    Even if I granted you that it was, let's say an immature human being, it doesn't mean it is wrong to kill it. I'm not interested in discussing how we can apply laws mingled with bronze-age understanding to a blastocyst.
  12. League Lover L Lover

    AWTA, expected much better.
  13. Verigoat S Verigotta

    You said you didnt expect anything intelligent other than sport

    I said you shouldnt even expect that

    They arnt the same thing
  14. League Lover L Lover

    :laugh: they're are plenty of intelligent people on this fourm, sadly, bias can take over sometimes.
  15. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    I don't want them to be legal, but I recognize that I am not the moral compass for the country, and that people who do not feel consciously objected to Abortion should not have to be held to my standards just because I believe them, being my moral standards, to be correct.

    And I genuinely believe that I have shown that scientifically speaking it can reasonably be said that it is a human (much more so then it can be said it is not a human). Also I don't see entirely how suggesting murder is wrong is a bronze age understanding. To be completely fair, it must be said that up until mid last century it was still perfectly acceptable to murder an aboriginal in this country. Our current understanding of the laws surrounding murder are very new fashioned, as are our understandings of the value of life.
  16. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    that's what she said...
  17. Verigoat S Verigotta

    In my opinion a baby is only living if it is possible for it to survive if it was outside of the womb
  18. stupersteve03 SJ Cambridge

    So you agree with me... Such a cop out answer in my opinion, the technology to reproduce outside the whom is going to get better and better and it will come to a stage where no implantation will be required for a fetus to develop fully.
  19. Verigoat S Verigotta

    Dont get how im copping out

    Abortion is all good if the thing cant live outside the womb, Its not living, your not murdering a living thing.
    And I dont get the point about the technology, maybe it will get better. But thats not where we are at the moment. This is where we are
  20. League Lover L Lover

    You know, I think that it's fair enough that Steve and the like are saying 'Baby's are living things, abortion is wrong etc' although, whilst I do not know the personal situation I think that one can only truly comprehend both sides of the argument, for and against abortion when they have been in that situation themselves.

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