Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Das09, Mar 15, 2010.

  1. Arheiner SIA Yates

    No point, azzal is goooooooooooooooooone.
  2. Verigoat S Verigotta

  3. Arheiner SIA Yates

    What part of 51% proxy vote doesn't Curry Boy understand?
  4. Das09 S Das

    And please send your votes during the night time..not during day time..and mafia members please discuss before sending the one name whom want to kill.
  5. brettman135 BR Hall

    Do we get to kill azzal yet?
  6. Arheiner SIA Yates

    You need to vote for him too.
  7. Tartmaster AJ James

    I hope so,
  8. Das09 S Das

  9. brettman135 BR Hall

    Am I able to vote azzal again?
  10. Das09 S Das

    You haven't yet voted...
  11. SmellyStuff MP Chung

  12. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    FMD, it's so obvious that Arheiner and Brettman are both Mafia.
  13. Eddie EI Morris

    Its got to be Arheiner.
  14. Verigoat S Verigotta

    or maybe its you :p

    nah, deffo think yates is
  15. Eds E Ames

    It's Eds IMO.
  16. Baxter MJ Deane

    This started? Uhh Brettman
  17. Arheiner SIA Yates

    FMD Does anyone understand the RVS?
  18. Baxter MJ Deane

  19. Arheiner SIA Yates

    Random Voting Stage, where people vote randomly to generate discussion.
  20. Baxter MJ Deane

    How do you think I picked Brettman?

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