Cronulla players banned wank thread

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Old Mate, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. nodd New Member

    And wouldn't being labelled a drug cheat limit your ability to find work anyway?
  2. Pretzel P Retzel

    Fuck me dead, you two spout some serious shit.
  3. nodd New Member

    The only post I've seen you make re this subject just shows you have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about!
  4. nodd New Member

    I'd say asada, wada and the NRL give a fuck?

    Do you know what the drugs they are taking actually are? they are synthetic growth hormones that help you recover very quickly- that's the idea?
    They may not be illegal but they are banned by sporting bodies.

    So regenerating your muscles, tendons, tissues etc, thus allowing you to train harder, better and more quickly than your counterparts that didn't take the banned substances is not a leg up?

    A club giving you banned substances is assisting your well being?

    You are a fucking pretzel!
  5. Mr Fourex MR Fourex

    That's not only confined to this subject. Pretzel has NFI on a whole range of topics.
  6. Toolman TR Man

    They shouldn't be banned, there's nothing wrong with them.
  7. nodd New Member

    The point is- they are banned!

    What part of that don't some of you morons understand???

    Just because you think there is nothing wrong with them, doesn't matter.

    You clowns don't even know what they do and can't understand why they are classed as performance enhancing.

    I doubt some of you special people would be able to spell Peptides without copying it off here.
  8. nodd New Member

    And I'd say you've got your named nailed "Toolman"
  9. Toolman TR Man

    calm down bro geez
  10. nodd New Member

    Why should I calm down?

    You make statements you have no idea about, justifying what they've done and ask me to calm down.

    Get your facts right for a start and stop justifying drug cheats.

    Then I'll calm down.

    And take my 3 kids and there fucking ninja turtles video as well.

    Then I'll fucking calm down!

    And supply those 3 with endless quantities of food every 2 hours.

    Then I'll fucking calm down!

    And, And, Fucking and
  11. nodd New Member

    breathe, breathe.
  12. nodd New Member

    Oh Oh spiderman needs to go to go for a pee and can't get his disguise off!
  13. Toolman TR Man

    righto mate
  14. nodd New Member

    Sorry !

    Back on track.

    You are a fuckin tool.

    Make a decent argument next time!
  15. Toolman TR Man

    okay sorry
  16. Dan DB Wayne

    Incidentally, there's only one side of this debate from which I've seen anything resembling an argument...
  17. Pretzel P Retzel

    You are overestimating what they can do so severely. You and Fourex making it sound like everyone who takes these things becomes superhuman overnight with no effort. It's nothing like taking Hgh, its just a protein found in platelets that is thought to assist with injury repair - if the sharks were to instead have injected platelet rich plasma into recovery sites it would do the same thing and be legal under Asada rules.
  18. Pretzel P Retzel

    Everyone's already covered why it would make sense to just cop a guilty plea and move on, and why no one is going to sue the club - Bretty Stewart is still a rapist to 90% of people. Once the accusations are made the tag is always going to stick, and after 2 years of this shit I think they'd probably prefer not to go into another lengthy court battle, by the point which it concludes no one will give a shit.
  19. Mr Fourex MR Fourex

    I've said all along that they gained an unfair advantage by artificially enhancing their recovery time. If you can play more minutes, recover quicker from injury and you can do this through illegal've cheated. There's no room for drug cheats in sport. They should have the book thrown at them.

    ASADA & the NRL's soft cock approach to his with lenient suspensions, sets a very slippery slope for the future of the game.

    Yeah.....but they didn't.
  20. Jazz NC Smith

    I don't think ASADA or the NRL are taking a 'soft cock approach' as such. I'm sure ASADA would prefer harsher sentences but I think they know they don't have enough evidence to push for longer suspensions.

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