
Discussion in 'Forum Discussion' started by IronMaidenMad, May 25, 2009.

  1. IronMaidenMad AJ Laing

    I have an invite to join a group, but I do not want to join it.

    I cannot get the number 1 to go away though.

    How do I do this without joining the group, because I keep trying things but nothing work?
  2. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Decline it.
  3. IronMaidenMad AJ Laing


    I am sure that was not there before!

    Owell sorted now, cheers!
  4. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Wow, just wow.
  5. Dave DR Armstrong

    Stay off the grass.
  6. Toolman TR Man

    Woah, just woah.
  7. noodlez NJ Stacker

    Name and shame the group IMO

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