Filler Mafia 8: Game Thread

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by morgieb, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. morgieb MC Burridge

    After a long time discussing who is sus and who is not, with names like Riddy, Himannv and Harps being dragged through the mud, the town decided their best lead was a young man named Raide. "He's scum! Lynch him!" yelled the town.

    Raide has been lynched. He was Mafia and the Roleblocker.

    It is now Night 4. Please hand in your PM's within the next 48 hours.
  2. morgieb MC Burridge

    Apologies, was writing the write-up.
  3. Number 11 CJ Downes

  4. Riddy JH Ridd

    haha yus.
  5. Riddy JH Ridd

    worst claim by raide btw.
  6. Howe JHF Howe

    Yeah not all that surprised even if it was a risky one.
  7. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Getting the rolebloker is such a coup.
  8. Raide KN Rask

    Ftr I legitimately had forgotten about the game. Hadn't done anything for a few nights. :p
  9. Riddy JH Ridd

    get orders in quick :) we are on a role
  10. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    Keeps us in the game.
  11. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Ok a few things guys. I'm probably going to die tonight, but with the roleblocker down we can get a watcher on me so it's a 1 for 1. So yeah, watcher definitely still on me. Also Harps, you will no silence tonight. Got that? There is no advantage from silencing anyone at this stage. If there is a silence tomorrow than Lynch Harps because he is just fucking things up for the town and we'll know he's a mafia silencer. I am suspecting Mousey, Brett and Howe so those are the people to go after tonight/tomorrow. Howe possible godfather imo.
  12. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Harps I want you to acknowledge this in the thread right now. The silencer can seriously fuck us up if he is mafia. If you silence you're gone bud. Show us you've seen this, no excuses.
  13. Harps ZAF MacDonald

    I've got it.
  14. MrPrez CM Dyer

    Will watch you, dear N11.
  15. Riddy JH Ridd

    hopefully will be a quick night.
  16. Teacups CJ Evans

    WAG town!
  17. morgieb MC Burridge

    All night orders are in. PM's incoming.
  18. morgieb MC Burridge

    Howe was feeling lucky. He had gotten rid of various townsmen, and without looking sus at all. Or so he thought.....

    Instead, a man who he had never seen before decided to challenge his apparent invincibility. He had revenge to take out. And boy was it sweet.

    Howe is dead. He was Mafia and the Godfather.

    Meanwhile, the others tried to kill. Unfortunately, he received a different target than who he imagined. Fortunately, he died anyway.

    Teacups is dead. He was Town and the Bodyguard.

    It is now Day 5. With 8 alive, 5 votes are required for a lynch.
  19. Number 11 CJ Downes

    Lynch Himannv :)
  20. Howe JHF Howe


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