Filler Mafia 6 signups

Discussion in 'Forum Games and Activities' started by Furball, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    In only if the roles are assigned randomly, and out if GF personally assigns roles using all his biases.
  2. Skippos SM Morgan


    just get out anyway.
  3. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    Not a bad option considering GF is running it, but I have too much spare time for mafias nowadays.
  4. Furball G Furball

    Yeah, you're out. Not modding a game where people question my integrity thanks.
  5. GIMH GIMH Martyn

    Yeah, it's a well known fact you have none FFS
  6. Starris ER Starris

    1. GIMH
    2. Himannv
    3. Skippos
    4. Gazza
    5. Riddy
    6. morgieb
    7. Raide
    8. Weeman27bob
    9. Veez
    10. Heef (If required)
    11. Harps
    12. McGrath
    13. brettman135
    14. starris

    big sigh from Skippos!
  7. Skippos SM Morgan

    why would I sigh?
  8. Starris ER Starris

    just taking the piss out of myself from the first mafia game... it seemed to bring out the absolute charmer in you.
  9. Klonam AB Gloury

    1. GIMH
    2. Himannv
    3. Skippos
    4. Gazza
    5. Riddy
    6. morgieb
    7. Raide
    8. Weeman27bob
    9. Veez
    10. Heef (If required)
    11. Harps
    12. McGrath
    13. brettman135
    14. starris
    15. Klonam
  10. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    Haha, count me in anyways. I am bored after dying in SWMII - so will take any role here. Bail Organa proved to be good for you anyways...

    Agree with GIMH on the integrity part though :p
  11. Himannv LV Himann

    Fairly certain GIMH was ventro'd.
  12. weldone RM Chowdhuri


    Not a bad shout TBH.
  13. Eds E Ames

    Guisered for sure.

    Question Time!
  14. Furball G Furball

    What part of 'you're out' didn't you understand?
  15. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    Haha lol cunt.
  16. weldone RM Chowdhuri

    Voted one star (terrible) thread, lol.
  17. Furball G Furball

    Oh noes.
  18. Mariner CL Warrington

    This will almost certainly put off anyone else that may want to read this thread.
  19. MrPrez CM Dyer

    1. GIMH
    2. Himannv
    3. Skippos
    4. Gazza
    5. Riddy
    6. morgieb
    7. Raide
    8. Weeman27bob
    9. Veez
    10. Heef (If required)
    11. Harps
    12. McGrath
    13. brettman135
    14. starris
    15. Klonam
    16. MrPrez
  20. Riddy JH Ridd

    whats happening with this GF?

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