Code: FB: T. Jonas R. Thompson J. Johanissen HB: D. Swallow H. Grundy J. Glenn C: B. Ebert D. Mundy J. MacRae HF: J. Billings J. McGovern L. Whitfield FF: M. Hurley J. Cameron C. Cameron R: N. Naitanui N. Fyfe T. Rockliff IC: T. Adams (M) S. Docherty (D) R. Henderson (F) SUB: D. Sheed EMG: T. Sumner J. Aish J. Daniher IN: M. Hurley, T. Adams, J. Glenn OUT: T. Lynch, A. Miles, T. Sumner Reserves: J. Aish J. Clarke J. Daniher M. Gawn T. Hickey B. Lennon A. Morabito J. O'Rourke A. Sexton T. Sumner Injured: T. Lynch A. Miles Tactics: (to be edited later) Thompson -> Bellchambers (Very Tight) Grundy -> Walker (Very Tight) Jonas -> Motlop (Very Tight) Henderson -> Ambrose (Tight) Johanissen -> Menzel (Very Tight) Swallow -> Merrett (Loose) Ebert to tag Ellis, Jetta or Polec if they're getting a bit loose Rockliff to tag Watson if he's off the chain Whitfield to forward tag Birchall Sub Sheed in for worst key if it's clear we're too tall, if not bring him on for a shit cunt. Pull the trigger early/mid third qtr. Thompson to chop out in ruck, Hurley to move back. Fyfe and Rockliff to each spend a quarter forward, Whitfield into the middle. Be very liberal with Thompson/Grundy/Hurley/McGovern. All can play back/fwd so if one of the backs are being pasted move a fwd there and if the fwds are struggling move a back there. If too small in defence switch Hurley with Glenn If Swallow not creating enough off half back and Mundy not dominating switch them
FB: B. Stratton - J. Carlisle - D. Grimes HB: B. Martin - B. Reid - G. Birchall C: L. Jetta - J. Watson - J. Polec HF: Z. Merrett - T. Walker - S. Motlop F: T. Menzel - T. Bellchambers - P. Ambrose R: Z. Clarke - J. O'Meara - B. Ellis I: R. Conca - T. Hunt - C. Beams S: D. Buckley Tactics - Beams --> FWD Hunt --> DEF Conca --> MID Carlise/J. Cameron Reid/Hurley Grimes/McGovern Stratton/C. Cameron - Swing Carlisle forward if forward line is struggling. (Reid/J. Cameron, Grimes/Hurley, Stratton/McGovern) - If Carlisle goes forward, take whoever is performing the worst of Bellchambers, Clarke or Ambrose to the bench and give Beams more minutes. - Bellchambers to play mostly forward unless Clarke is getting monstered in the ruck which means Clarke goes to FF. - Sub off worst performing of Bellchambers or Clarke the end of the 3rd quarter. Run a smaller forward line. Move Walker to FF and Ambrose up to CHF.
7 - Fyfe (Accums) 5 - O'Meara (Overs) 3 - Naitanui (Accums) 3 - Birchall (Overs) 2 - Cameron (Accums) 1 - Grimes (Overs)