CPL Basketball v3.0

Discussion in 'CPL Basketball 1-4 Archive' started by Hunter, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler

  2. Mousey AJ Son

    Haha, true, you always seem to be second :laugh:
  3. Jabba HJ Bots

    Such a tough pick torn between about 5 players :(
  4. Hunter AD Hunt

    Tbf I thought for sure Brett would've picked Rose and Love.
  5. Jabba HJ Bots

    Le Bron and the GET HOT CREW

    PG: Steph Curry
    SF: Le Bron James
    PF: Dirk Nowitski
  6. Dirk Diggler DM Diggler


    PG- Chris Paul
    PF- Blake Griffin
    C- Joakim Noah

    Mousey already picking his bench :laugh:
  7. Mousey AJ Son

    Good luck trying to play big against me xoxo
  8. Jabba HJ Bots

    Le Bron drive and kickout is my teams motto
  9. Mousey AJ Son

    Dw my next picks will be cunts like Tony Allen to D you up
  10. Benny BS Read

    Fuck you Hunter. Hoped Cousins would last till next pick.
  11. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Just a question, what's being used to sim this?
  12. Hunter AD Hunt

    I'm going to go outside and pretend to be the players, writing down when I get the ball in and who I was pretending to be.
  13. Jabba HJ Bots

    Will you stand for 6'10'' + players and kneel for the other players?
  14. Benny BS Read

    C/PF - Aldridge
    SF - Anthony
    SG - Ellis
    PG - Rondo
  15. Rego RS Hutchinson

    :laugh: such a Mousey thing to do.

    But in all seriousness?
  16. Benny BS Read

    Better be 2k13 or ill be pissed
  17. Mousey AJ Son

  18. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Problem with using 2k13 is the ratings are based on current performance rather than using career stats.
  19. Mousey AJ Son

    CPL is based on now... It's not all time or at their peak.

    Also nice find haha
  20. Rego RS Hutchinson

    Oh ok, yeah I guess 2k13 is the way forward then.

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