Brett White - 2, Queensland props - 0

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Billy, Jul 16, 2009.

  1. Old Mate M Perry

    Scared the shit out of Creagh and White tbh, also was one of the first in on the Gidley tackle and none of your ****s would stick it to him.
  2. Wilson SB Wilson

    Lack of Gallen and TLL on the field.
  3. rolande RE Hallett

    Lets not forget his (lack of reputation/talent) as a musician.
  4. Quarters J Quarters

    White had to get Cronk + someone else to hold Ross' arms behind his back so he could knock him out. What a legend!:shock: I could of knock Ross out ffs.
    Price obviously isn't a fighter, anyone would know that.
    So take it how ever you want.. Atleast we don't run away from a fight like Creagh LOL.
  5. Jeffy JU Rocker

    I spose if my team had just lost 4 straight years in a row I'd be clutching at straws too.
  6. Freddy MJ Johns

    Go **** a corpse or something.
  7. Jeffy JU Rocker

    :D :D
  8. Old Mate M Perry

    LOL, it's funny to us because it's true and it's painful to NSWelshmen because it's true.

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