Ben Ikin walks from Channel Nine

Discussion in 'The Cesspit: Rugby League Discussion' started by Alec, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

    Once he gets the Dragons bias out of him, he will be worth listening too.
  2. Paddy P Orr

    Fatty would be better, he knows what hes talking about at least lol
    I actually like Vautin as a commentator.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  3. Boobidy BJ Gemmell

  4. Paddy P Orr

    Lol better then the repeats of Its all about execution.
  5. Prince Charles P Charles

    Lewis has already been on nearly every game this year. That said, life seems pretty tough for Wally without everything being scripted for him.

    I couldn't believe my ears a few weeks back when he said "if you had to compare this match to a movie, it'd be trading places...". Sure, nothing wrong with that but then two weeks later he offered this... "if you had to compare this match to a movie, it'd be trading places..."

    Only two weeks later. Oh dear.

    Agree on Sailor but he could go another year at the Dragons yet so he still isn't a fulltime option.

    The rumours already were floating around that this would be Ikin's last year as unlike the others, he has a fulltime job already. He'll be back for Nine in a week or so but can't see him continuing on after this season.

    "if you had to compare this match to a movie, it'd be trading places..."
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  6. morgieb MC Burridge

    Awesome news. Most biased commentator EVER.

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