What game are you into playing?

Discussion in 'Entertainment Lounge' started by Paddy, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Qwerty HD Roberts

    Yes. Yes I do.
  2. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Just played a bit of Sabotage mode in CoD4. lol at how many people bomb camp!
  3. Snake A Vago

    Some of COD 4 missions were ridiculously hard. The second bit of the sniper mission, the mission where you have to defend the hill, get push back and then you have go back down the hill to get extracted and the last mission where you have to stop the nuke in a certain time. They were the missions I felt like throwing my controller.

    In MW2, Infinity ward dumb down the gameplay and added a shit load of action movie rip offs to appeal to the feeble minded gamers who quit playing because it's too hard. By doing that they left a story littered with plot holes. COD4 didn't seem it needed a story. Shit just fell in to place with there story. While MW2 they tried too hard with the story and suffered the consequences.

    But I still love both. MW2 Multiplayer has heaps of features and all but none of the maps are particularly awesome.
  4. Spinksy N Spinks

    Fire Emblem.
  5. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Fire Emblem for GBA was pretty ftw.
  6. Alec AD Funkotron

    I actually hated the mission where you have to fight back through the down after defending it, before I found an easy way of beating it - just go right.
  7. Bedsey JB Dempsey

    Isn't there like a trench or some shit? And you can run under a bridge through there?

    Note: It's been years, could be a different game.
  8. LukeTyson L Tyson

    Playing Infamous now. Not bad.
  9. Paddy P Orr

    I sucked bad at Veteran so I had to go back to one of the easier difficulties lol I couldnt handle the mission of hunting down Al-Shad.
  10. Callum CJ Laing

    Completed Lord of the Rings: Conquest on the easy level last night when I could not sleep. Was pretty good actually was not piss easy will play it on the next level at some point. Hoping to complete undercharted and maybe uncharted 2 this week too, not sure how many chapters they have.
  11. Alec AD Funkotron

    Nah, the trench is to the left, it's suicide.

    From the start, there's a little building on the right you can through...go through it, and you reach another field. There's like 1 enemy from there until the church (and the checkpoint).
  12. Paddy P Orr

    I have trouble enough with the early missions on Veteran, Id be screwed trying to do that Chernobyl located mission.
  13. SmellyStuff MP Chung

    Haha yeah, good luck escaping after shooting Zakhaev!
  14. Paddy P Orr

    Lol yeah and I found World at War as a game hard enough on easy, I will get butchered on Veteran too.
  15. Jono J Ono

  16. Frosty DK Erschoff

    I've been playing it all today, it is amazing.
  17. Qwerty HD Roberts

    It's okay, I guess.
  18. the_killerz S Bakkum

    "In a universe of dark and light"
    Dip shit can't read.
  19. Alec Bannerman A Bannerman

    Wait till you upgrade to lightning powers, can take out a whole block in one go.

    How'd you find GTA? I'm not enjoying it at all.
  20. Alec Bannerman A Bannerman

    Both 20+, some shorter then others. Both pretty much 10-12 hour games.

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